Sunday, October 26, 2014

Entry 4

The basic point of the article reads like this: Jeb Bush is, perhaps unsurprisingly, going to run for president in 2016.  The source of this report is his son, and it further has fueled speculation on the issue of who the next candidates will be.   The article also contains speculation about Chris Christie's possible campaign, with the man saying that he'll make the decision in "early 2015."
A possible major jeb bush campaign is a chilling thought.  Especially when coupled with the idea of Hillary Clinton being the Democratic candidate, this race would mean the third bush candidacy in 30 years, meaning an average of 1 bush presidency every 10 years.  Comparisons to Monarchy aside, it's astonishing that the name Bush has not been tarnished after the comedic performance of George W.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


October 20th

The article I read was simply about the early voting trends in the upcoming elections.  It details how both parties have attempted to portray these results as being indicative of either potential success

Of course, our political system is bullshit.  Yes, pardon my language, but it is.  The stranglehold that these two parties have over the United States is ridiculous.  But why? The answer, of course, is money.  The Democratic Party and Republican Party are basically just the corporations' slaves, despite the fact that the Democrats are slightly better.  In truth, both sides will only harm the country and its inhabitants, with the democrats not making any progress but the Republicans actively damaging society and the economy with their brand of corporatism.  Conservativism is not compassionate by definition, and its adherents, if there is any kind of justice under the sky, will rot in hell for eternity.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

# 2

This is the article
October 13th, 2014

It's pretty much completely explained in the tutle-basically Alaska, one of only two states with an actual same sex marriage ban, has been forced to reconsider its ways by a major court.  Gay people can now be married in Alaska thus forth.
In response, I must say that although I am happy, the news of same sex marriage becoming legal in states is a tiring one.  Although it is good that intolerance is finally being brushed aside, one must think: shouldn't this have happened already?
Yes, we are getting to the point where same sex marriage is a bygone issue.  If you oppose it, you're bigoted and you will not be accepted by the General american public.  Thus, the issue is a dead one to me, and an issue that should not matter in the slightest as opposers of gay marriage should not even be debated with.  The economy is a cause that resources and political debate should be spent on debating, and social issues such as this are mere distractions with simple resolutions.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Unit 2: The Constitution

"Defeating Clinton unites religious conservatives"

As 2016 rolls closer to the present, the issues surrounding this pivotal election are becoming apparent.  The Islamic State, surveillance, police brutality, and immigration reform dominate our thoughts now in 2014, with the rise of potential candidates just around the corner.  The Republican party, it seems, has failed to unite behind one candidate, some preferring the authoritarian Chris Christie, others preferring the "libertarian" Rand Paul.  The Democratic party, however, seems to have focused itself on the rather conservative Hillary Clinton, and thus the Republicans have immediately begun their opposition to her still-potential campaign.
A point of attack may have been found for these conservative politicians, and this point is the issue of religious freedom.  A conference was held last Friday by the hate group Family Research Council, in which Clinton was derided by several radically right wing politicians including Michelle Bachmann for continuing Obama's "horrendous" attack on the American family.  Cries were made about religious liberty being placed in jeopardy, and the 1st amendment was evoked, as it has been time and time again in opposition to the healthcare law and other Obama policies.

This response is both ridiculous and harmful to a nation that must move on from the bigotry displayed by Christian conservatives.  We must move past the ideals of the Moral Majority, past the racists like Jerry Falwell, and we must becoming a more accepting society. Frankly, the idea that religious liberty is at risk is one that will only be true if a radical theocrat such as Mike Huckabee were elected president.  The Christian Majority in this country receives nothing but favors, and the idea that there is any persecution is an insult to the constitution and its hallowed framers.  The Affordable Healthcare Act's provisions on birth control and such were not attacks on Christianity, they were guarantees to working women, guarantees that should come as natural rights in a developed society such as our own.  It is humorous that conservatives should see such an issue, but at the same time attack any candidate they perceive as being "Muslim" or "atheist," and treat people with religious differences as untrustworthy.  Such persons are a threat to society, and such people would surely if they had the chance destroy our religious liberties and replace our government with an Iran-esque theocracy led by Christian clerics who deny science and logic.  The actions of Barack Obama are not an issue of constitutional importance.  The potential actions of these republican candidates are.